About Us

Our Story.

Karsa was founded in 2007, although he is still relatively young in the world of consulting services, as the name implies “Karya Bangsa”; Karsa has produced many works. To date, in Karsa’s job list, more than 140 jobs have been completed by Karsa in various locations and various types of work.


Become a consulting service company that can provide solutions, by Innovative and Effective real work.


Implement professional performance by prioritizing three elements of effectiveness (Quality, Quantity, & Time)
and Presenting innovative ideas and concepts to clients, so that clients can run a business in accordance with market developments.


We Provide the Best Service in Every Activity

    Jl. Raya Dago Golf No. 47 F, Bandung, Jawa Barat
    Komp. Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Blok B3 No. 2, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
    (022) 63179002



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